our purpose

To Champion Cross-Cultural Marriage Everywhere


Howdy, Bonjour, Nǐ hǎo! So glad you've made it here. Chances are good that you are in a cross-cultural marriage or relationship. Let me start by saying: I get it. These seas are rough, and whether you're smooth sailing or floundering, this space is for you. My soul purpose for building Upside Down Under is to support you and your spouse on your journey. My husband, Kevin, and I are coming up on 14 years of marriage and have navigated many a'storm, traveled in 20+ countries across five continents, and delivered into the world two of the sweetest Cajun Asians you ever will meet. All that to say: I'm here for you and I believe in you! Have a look around and please don't hesitate to book a discovery call to connect. Here's to the voyage! 🥂

Sydney Berry Ling

Founder & Intercultural Coach


Our Events & Programs

An Event to Remember

A Free Masterclass designed to reintroduce you to your spouse and reignite the spark you had at the start... and keep the flame lit.

The Twenty-One Day Reset

Our signature coaching program for cross-cultural couples designed to take your marriage from Conflict to Connection.

Your Story Matters

Complete our brief Cross-Cultural Marriage Questionnaire and receive a discount code to use in our shop!


Choose to See the Good
Every. Single. Day.


Guide you from Conflict to Connection to Calling

Any marriage is incredibly hard. Bring two different cultures and worldviews into the mix, and you're in for some storms. Our founder – Sydney Berry Ling – has navigated her own storms and knows the importance of a wise guide on the voyage. At Upside Down Under, our mission is to equip cross-cultural couples around the world to heal from past trauma and learn the skills necessary to step into the abundant life we are called to.

Couples Like Us

how we work

Our Process

Schedule a Discovery Call

You are not alone on your marriage journey. We've weathered storms and would love to come alongside you to strengthen your bond.

Take the Next Step

With offerings ranging from courses to programs to retreats, our primary goal is to see your marriage and family thrive.

Walk in Freedom Together

As you make consistent time for each other and choose to "see the good" daily, you will find yourselves living in true freedom.

Your Story Matters

While we have our own cross-cultural marriage experiences, we know that there are SO MANY couples like us out there in the world! We would be greatly appreciative if you would take 10-15 minutes to complete our Cross-Cultural Marriage Questionnaire to help us better understand your challenges and how we can best support you & others on this voyage. Plus, you'll get a discount code to use in our online shop! Thank you for supporting our mission. Please know that we will never sell your information or bombard you with unwanted emails.

© Copyright 2024 Upside Down Under. All rights reserved.